Monday 13 June 2016

Berjaya Rayuan UPU!

Assalamualaikum and hi gaiss!
Ok tadi lps pulang sekolah, umi suruh cek result rayuan UPU. TAHNIAH katonyo. Alhamdulillah terima kasih ya Allah. But x tau course apa yg sy dpt. Dalam hati berharap sgt dpt dip sains di UiTM KK. Balik ja rumah terus cek di laptop. Dapat course Dip Sc Comp UiTM. OMG. Dpt pula yg di Sarawak.  Ih namau sy bilang. Walaupun saya mati2 mau keluar dari F6 , nda terdetik pun mau pergi situ bcs sy x brani jauh dri family. Sarawak lagitu. Hmm padahal tu paling dekat. Saya bersyukur jugalah sebab kena ucap Tahniah oleh pihak UPU HAhaha. Kenapa sy x pegi?

  • Kos pengajian,tiket flight,belanja mkn smua tu terlampau besar. Sy x mau menyusahkan parents sy.
  • Dip Sc Comp susah sbb kena pandai dlm addmath. Bab kira2 ni not my cup of tea. Hehe. Tapi bab comp tu mmg mknn sy.
  • 3 tahun pengajian = 3 thn bjauhan dgn family. 
Well terpaksa lah aku meniti hari di ting 6 . Fyi sy x suka BM dan P.A disebabkan mo buat esei semua itu. Dengan ini sy akan menunggu result rayuan Matriks lagi. Doakan saya berjaya sekali lagi.

tak berjaya masuk KML pun. sedih gila time tu, macam hilang arah sebab betul2 berharap dpt masuk KML. BUT being in form 6 was super fun! (graduated sdh buskuu)

Sunday 12 June 2016

Tak dapat UPU,Tak dapat Matriks, Form 6 sahaja.

Assalamualaikum and hi gaiss.

Haritu kan result upu keluar. Time tu saya berada kat sekolah , orientasi f6. Di situ tepat jam 12 terus cek result guna hp kawan. DUKACITA DIMAKLUMKAN. Tak dapat pun HAHAHA. Kawan sy yg lain yg result lebih kurang sama dapat pulak, Dip science di UiTM. Lepas fikir2 balik, ni mmg disebabkan oleh pilihan course sy yg entah apapa. Memang pun xdpt sebab sy letak 3 choice tu Asasi. First choice pulak tu. Budak 4A mau masuk asasi? Hmm memang jahanam lah. Konfom x dpt HAHAHA. 1st choice UMS asasi Sains hayat, 2nd choice Asasi Tesl.. Pilihan diploma pun pilih yg  bnyk saingan mcm Farmasi,Pergigian. Ya ka? Entah lah. Sy xtau sgt apa sy isi tu. Boleh2 sy letak Dip Science UiTM yg d KK tu , buang tabiat jugak pilih Dip Science UPSI. Sangat tidak bijak.

Saya dah buat rayuan pas2 dgn dateline tutup rayuan. Omg nasib baik. Letak 1st choice Dip Science UiTM. Second choice, Dip Sc Comp UiTM. Sy minat comp sebenarnya. Programming semua tu mcm best huhu. Padahal blog buruk hahaha. Itu sebab sy seorg yg simple Kbai.

Sekarang ni sy berada di F6 jurusan Kemanusian. Sy tukar sc stream ke art bcs sy x yakin dpt bawa sc Stpm. Org bilang susah. Cigu2 pun ckp baik tukar kalau subjek sc kau dpt C C D time spm. NAH KAU. Down terus oh. Kepada adik2 yang xdpt matriks or U pergi saja F6 . Jangan kau malu pegi F6. Aku hambat kang. Eseh. Best tau orientasi F6, dpt kawan baru. Sambil2 menunggu tawaran tu kau stay la F6. Kalau xdpt twrn terpaksa lah kau menikmati kehidupan sbg budak F6. For me, not bad la F6 ni. BEST. tapi still sy mau blah dr ni sekolah mau pegi matriks sbb sekolah ni JAUH gilak dr rumah. Penat my parents hntr n ambil sy ke sekolah kan. Kalau matriks dpt elaun. Then yg x bernasib baik utk mnruskan sains boleh meneruskan lagi di matriks eventho being a PDT student.

Doakan saya masuk KML bagi PDT ya. AMIN.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Rayuan matrikulasi dan Form 6 aliran sains.

Assalamualaikum. Hye
On 14 apr, matriks and f6 result came out weeee. and damn i wasn't offered in matrikulasi ;__; WHY. i have one friend, she have the same spm result as mine but she got the PST in KML. WHY WHY actually she got C in addmath and me ? I got D! that's why ! HAHAHA kbai.
So i did the rayuan after that. I wasn't sad or anything because i can do the rayuan after all hihi. They says student who doesn't get offer in matriks, automatically get offer in F6. So i checked and DAAMNNN i got science stream in other school(not my old sch and it is chinese sch). DAMNN I WAS HAPPY. why? i really wanted to further my degree in sc field and the only way i can do that is by furthering my study in f6 sc stream. Got it? I couldn't further sc in matriks. My joyful thought... broken into pieces when i started reading blog about F6. They says 'F6 is hard especially sc stream' WUT. i told myself ''it's okay you can do it'' . ada kah belajar yang senang pui.semua pun susah bah. kbai. 'Don't let your spm result define who you are in F6'. I think I've read that somewhere hehe. you know.. science is my passion HAHAHA padahal berterabur gred C,D time SPM. TBH lah kan, i really love science.. i want to have a career where i'd wear white coat and working in the hospital.
CHINESE SCHOOL? well.. my classmates that got the offer the same as me, switch their streams and school ngeh.. i have nu friends then. idk man.. im not a social butterfly. what if i don't have friend?? and i'll get super depress bcs of it. huhu.
I'm still hoping i get to enroll in KML. i hope i get the PDT! #prayforme
should i went to f6 or should i rest at home while waiting for the rayuan matrikulasi result ?? i'm afraid if i'm not choosen for the PDT ;___; then I have nowhere to go after that ngeh. UPU? gash i don't  know. my dad said if i get any tawaran diploma, he would let me further in it. I'm still thinking.


Friday 25 March 2016


Assalamualaikum. Hye.
3mac lalu batch 98 dapat tahu result spm hohoho. I'm too lazy to write rn so yeah...

ohh zaman gelap ni HAHAHAH. that time no one told me how upsr actually works. i didn't know we only need to score 5 subjects.. i thought muzik,kajian tempatan etc was included. yang dekat exam baru tahu lol, time budak hingusan bahh mana lah mahu tahu benda remeh. HAHAHA sorry cikgu-cikgu sekolah rendah hihi.. only bm yang objektif got A. yihaa. seriously i didn't study at all. i went to tuition and when i came home, i sleep. HUHU maaf.

F1 AND F2 still playing like a kid, didn't study. F3 i was interested in studying thanks to my smartass friends. They created this friendly match where we battle who get the highest mark is the winner. The winner get nothing but satisfaction that she's genius. HAHAHA. I bought lot of books mostly revision book. I tried doing the Geography subject. In my year, only objective no structure so it was easy. I TRIED AND IT WAS FUN. i didn't even read the textbook. i got nice marks too because the pmr past year question kept repeating . so it boosted my confident. i did that on other subjects. During that time it was 2month before PMR. you may say 'last minute study' huhu. I GOT EXTREMELY SHOCKED AND EXCITED when i knew i got 7A. i kept saying 'astaga astaga astaga' to my dad when he told me that. ALHAMDULILLAH. my grandpa actually went to tanah suci and pray for my result. Perhaps the doa termakbul. ALHAMDULILLAH.

I entered sc stream class.Form 4, for ujian penilaian saya dapat no 6/42(ramai kan), I studied like crazy that time. but it didn't last tho.. heeee. saya mintapuji saya pintar so i didn't study much KOTOH(meaning: padan muka) saya srsly tidak tahu subjek2 yang kami kena ambil first2 masuk kelas sc ni,, so bingung2 lah. ADDMATH nda penah lulus dude.. CHEMISTRY 2/6 exam kali seja lulus.itupun D, PHYSIC? i resent this subject. seriously no idea. kalau ikut logik, TAK PERNAH LULUS..lulus pun because cikgu bagi markah kesian. BIO? i love this subject. but didn't get A on spm lewl. bersyukur inda gagal kan, 4A kira bagus lah tu for average student like me ;)

BM            B+
BI             A
 SEJ             A   
PAI              B  
SENI            A
MATH            A
PHY             C
CHEM              C+
BIO                  B
ADDMATH         D


for adik-adik,, belajar jangan last minute. belajar dari awal tahun lagi supaya senang kamu terminat' subjek awal-awal. like me last minute baru terminat subjek chemistry. sikit lagi mau B WAKAKAK, and also mesti ada plan mana mau study lepas spm. saya ni mau masuk matriks tapi addmath D mana lepas kan... sedih.

okay that's all. Bye.